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Introduction to Roles and Resources in P6 EPPM

Roles and Resources, what are they about? We're going to take you through the simple functionality of these in P6 Web, what resources and roles actually mean, and the differences between the two.

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In this lesson, we're going to have a brief introduction to roles and resources in P6. So, when we're looking at resource planning, there's a whole host of different ways we can do it. And we're not really gonna talk about that in great detail in this lesson. So, what we're going to take a look at is the simple functionality in P6 Web, and really what resources and roles actually mean.

So resource planning, so what's this about? Resource Dictionary is a central pool of roles and resources that all projects within the P6 environment use. So, we have one pool of job titles, and we have one pool of individuals. David, this will contain all the general information relating to that resource be it an employee ID, might be an email address, it might be a phone number, but it can also utilize codes as well. So, if you're aware of what activity codes are, you might understand what this is.

So we can build up a set of locations for resources that everybody can utilize across P6. Each of the resources will also have a calendar assigned, they're working hours. Normally, that will just be a default for the organization, but you can go down to individual levels as well. There's a whole ream of information out there on the internet that you can look into before making these decisions. But really, what you need to do is speak to somebody who's been there and done that bef...

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