Which Percent Complete Type To Use On Your Primavera P6 Project

Rounding out our discussion of Primavera P6's Percent Complete Types, we'll explore recommendations on which ones to use in a project.

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Let’s see if we can summarize our findings based on what we saw on Primavera, duration percent complete is based primarily on the days and the durations of the activity, the dates drive the duration, the duration drives the duration percent complete.

The drawbacks are that the resource work proceeds linearly as the duration of the activity elapses, that's not how it works in the real world most of the time, it also doesn't allow us to take into account the physical progress, so where are the best places to use this duration percent complete type?

What I recommend is that you use this on activities where there are no deliverables that are tracked, primarily that means most activity should not use duration percent complete, where do you use it? Where percent complete of an activity represents the elapsed time, level of effort activities or delay activities, primarily this is not the percent complete type you want to be using most often.

Units percent complete, the calculations based on how many resource work hours have been input, the actual work hours it also has a drawback it doesn't take into account physical progress, so where should we use this one? This activity type also shouldn't be used mainly throughout your project, it can be used on activities were man hours are tracked exclusively but you're not tracking physical progress.


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